The Congress of Baja California announced that the Health Commission presided over by Representative Montserrat Caballero Ramirez is analyzing the medical use of cannabis thanks to the participation of Engineer Victor Rocha Castaño, member of the board of directors of the Red Lotus Foundation, with an exposition on this subject last Wednesday, October 14.
Loto Rojo is a non-profit institution that offers therapies with alternative natural substances, like for example from cannabis, for terminal cancer patients or with diverse ailments like epilepsy, parkinson, leukemia, autism, diabetes, among others, according to Castaño.
This was achieved thanks through a lawsuit they filed with the federation, which won and obtained a precautionary measure to continue treating patients with active substances of cannabis and other types of medicinal plants.
For her part, Montserrat Caballero said that the members of the Health Commission are aware of the importance of this issue in society and the usefulness of substances derived from marijuana for therapeutic and scientific research purposes.